Refutation of Sallé's Longstanding Conjecture

Giulio Manzonetto, Paris 13. 23 novembre 2017 10:00 limd 2:00:00

The lambda-calculus possesses a strong notion of extensionality, called ``the omega-rule'', which has been the subject of many investigations. It is a longstanding open problem whether the equivalence obtained by closing the theory of Böhm trees under the omega-rule is strictly included in Morris's original observational theory, as conjectured by Sallé in the seventies. We will first show that Morris's theory satisfies the omega-rule. We will then demonstrate that the two aforementioned theories actually coincide, thus disproving Sallé's conjecture.

The proof technique we develop is general enough to provide as a byproduct a new characterization, based on bounded eta-expansions, of the least extensional equality between Böhm trees.