The classification of empty lattice 4-simplices

Francisco Santos, Universidad de Cantabria. 17 mai 2018 14:00 geo

A lattice polytope is the convex hull in R^d of finitely many integer points. A lattice d-simplex is a lattice d-polytope whose vertices are affinely independent, and it is ``empty'' if its vertices are its only lattice points. Lattice polytopes have been widely studied for their relations to algebraic geometry and integer optimization, among other fields. For example, empty lattice simplices correspond to the so called terminal quotient singularities in the minimal model program of Mori for the birational classification of algebraic varieties. Their classification in dimension three (White, 1964) is sometimes dubbed the terminal lemma, and quite some effort has been devoted towards the classification of 4-dimensional ones. In particular, Mori, Morrison and Morrison (1988) conjectured a classification of the empty 4-dimensional simplices of prime volume into (I) a three-parameter family, (II) one two-parameter family, (III) 29 one-parameter families, and (IV) a finite list of exceptions of volumes up to 419. This classification was later proved by Bober (2009). For the non-prime case, Barile et al. (2011) claimed that the classification of Mori et al. extended without change (except for an increase in the number of exceptional simplices) but this statement was found to be false in Blanco et al. (2017+), where additional infinite families were found. In this talk we report on the complete classification of empty 4-simplices which includes, besides the families of Mori et al., a second two-parameter family and 23 additional one-parameter families. Our techniques combine methods from convex geometry (covering minima) with looking at the minimum dimension into which each empty-simplex projects without interior lattice points. This talk is based on joint work with Óscar Iglesias-Valiño (Universidad de Cantabria).