Balls minimize moments of logarithmic and Newtonian equilibrium measures

Richard Laugesen, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. 24 mai 2024 11:30 edp 2:00:00

Among 3-dimensional sets of given Newtonian capacity, which shape minimizes the q-th moment (q>0) of electrostatic equilibrium measure? One readily shows it is the ball. But what if the set is confined to the plane? A centered disk is then the natural minimizer, yet the proof is quite different and involves a cylindrical variant of Baernstein’s star-function. The approach succeeds when 0 <q <= 2. Higher moments (q>2) remain a tantalizing open problem, as do the analogous questions for Riesz equilibrium measures.

Note: this talk does not assume any previous knowledge about capacities.

(Joint work with Carrie Clark, Univ. of Illinois Urbana–Champaign.)