Sparse systems with high local multiplicity

Alicia DICKENSTEIN, Buenos Aires. 10 octobre 2024 14:00 TLR geo 2:00:00

Consider a sparse system of n Laurent polynomials in n variables with complex coefficients and support in a finite lattice set A. The maximal number of isolated roots of the system in the complex n-torus is known to be the normalized volume of the convex hull of A (the BKK bound). Together with Frédéric Bihan and Jens Forsgård, we explore the following question: if the cardinality of A equals n+m+1, what is the maximum local intersection multiplicity at one point in the torus in terms of n and m? This study was initiated by Gabrielov in the multivariate case. We give an upper bound based on the computation of covolumes that is always sharp when m=1 and, under a generic technical hypothesis, it is considerably smaller for any dimension n and codimension m. We also present, for any value of n and m, a particular sparse system with high local multiplicity with exponents in the vertices of a cyclic polytope and we explain the rationale of our choice. Our work raises several interesting questions.