Nonlinear dispersive wave computation with finite volumes method

Dimitrios Mitsotakis, Université Paris Sud 11. 4 décembre 2009 14:00 edp 2:00:00

The complete water wave problem remains a difficult task despite recent progresses in this field (Clamond & Grue, 2001). Its intrinsic complexity and stiffness prevent from efficient simulations in complex and large domains. Consequently, a number of approximative models have been proposed. In the present work we consider weakly nonlinear/weakly dispersive wave regime which is modelled by the family of Boussinesq type equations. Mathematically these models are expressed as dispersive nonlinear PDEs. In the present study we apply some finite volumes methods to these models. Our numerical schemes are tested on various practical problems. First, we consider some classical questions of soliton dynamics: solitary wave propagation, conservation of invariants, interactions, dispersive shock formation. A comparison with experiments on solitons head-on collision is performed (J. Hammack et al, 2004). Finally, we pay a lot of attention to the problem of the wave run-up onto a beach. This problem is very challenging from physical point of view (triple point) and numerical techniques have to treat wet/dry interface transition. Our algorithm is validated against experimental data of Synolakis and Zelt on breaking and nonbreaking solitary waves run-up onto a plane beach. This is a joint work with D. Dutykh and Th. Katsaounis.